JB Hi-Fi's got its 2 for $30 sale up and running again and we've had a quick paw through the bargain bin, so you don't have to.
There are a few gems to be found in the current sale online, and we've collated a few of our favourites below, but there's every chance your store will have extra deals among the SKUs listed here. If you're passing your local JB this weekend, stick your head in and have a look. You never know what you'll find.
I love a good 2-for-$30 sale because I am a magpie that likes collecting DVD jewel cases. There are a few short-run indie gems among the heavy hitter overflow being cleared out here. Games like Matterfall, Yoku's Island Express, Sayonara Wild Hearts and Wargroove are increasingly rare finds. Collectors, don't wait around. Add these to your dragon's hoard if you haven't already.
Pickings on PS5 and Switch are rather slim, unfortunately, but we've included the deals we could find. PlayStation 4 has the lion's share of the deals, but it's the Xbox Series X|S owners that come out ahead in the end, with literally every title in the Xbox bargain bin available to them. PC players, I'm sorry, but JB didn't have anything for you on this one.
Individual games are priced at $19 each, or $15 each if you buy them as a pair. You're free to mix and match across platforms, should you own multiple consoles.
Without further ado, here are a few of the games you'll find among the 2 for $30 bins at JB Hi-Fi right now.
This article has been updated since publication to include new additions to the JB Hi-Fi 2 for $20 sale.