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Firefighters Rescue Dog Stuck Behind Toilet
HuffPost 23.06.2023 06:24:03 Hilary Hanson
A team of Texas firefighters got a little dog out of a tight spot on Monday.
"A small dog had managed to wedge himself behind a toilet," read a Facebook post from the Woodlands Fire Department. "Firefighters found that 'Tippy' was well and truly stuck."
Photos show the tiny canine with his head sticking out from behind one side of the toilet and his body sticking out the other. Ultimately, freeing the pup necessitated removing some of the wall's Sheetrock.
Fire Chief Palmer Buck told People that Tippy's owner suspected the dog had jammed himself in there in an effort to find a cool spot amid the state's record-breaking heat wave.
After being rescued from his harrowing ordeal, the department wrote that Tippy "was last seen dozing comfortably in a much less precarious place."
vendredi 23 juin 2023 09:24:03