Rumors surrounding Persona 6 continue to build as fans await news regarding the series' next mainline iteration. Given that the use of color is an integral part of the Persona series' presentation, many have been wondering which Persona 6 might land on to accentuate its own themes. The speculation of green being the next step for the series could have implications on the title's central conflict and setting, marking a stark contrast to Persona 5's approach.
The colors across the Persona series' mainline entries have acted as pertinent tie-ins to their settings and themes. In Persona 5's case, the stark use of red among its imagery made sense given the title's recurring emphasis on hearts; not only did the game revolve around Joker and the crew changing the hearts of corrupted villains, but the game took place in Japan's capital, Tokyo, which could be seen as the lifeblood of the country itself. The use of red conveyed a vivacity that fit well within the city's depiction, as did Persona 3's use of blue, fitting in with its more grim 'Memento Mori' theme and the waters surrounding Tatsumi Port Island, of which the game took place.
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Based on how past Persona entries have woven color themes into their environmental design, the possibility of green in Persona 6 could have plenty of implications. To many, the color first evokes a sense of nature, which could suggest a more rural environment akin to Persona 4's Inaba.
Because the games take inspiration from Japan's many beautiful vistas, a setting similar in terrain to real-world Miyajima Island could be a compelling conduit for the color given the lush forest that blankets its land. Such a setting could mark a traditional lens of Japan with an olden feel, which may make for an interesting contrast with a cast set in the present day while building on the Shinto representations among Persona's shadow repertoire.
Though such a formula would be a similar approach to Persona 4, the setting could mark itself as unique through Persona 6's primary conflicts. Perhaps a nature theme could tie into concern surrounding environmental destruction, where the shadow world is set to encroach on the land due to the spread of pollution and deforestation.
This could involve humanity grappling between instant and delayed gratification, tying into the title's final boss. Such a conflict could have reverberations on the internal struggles of the game's party members, who might yearn for a more exciting life in a populated area only to realize how much the surrounding nature truly offers as they work to uphold its beauty.
Additionally, the use of green as a means of evoking environmental imagery could have an effect on the party's Personas, as mythology from all over the world has explored deities tied to the earth, leaving room for many inspirations. Perhaps such a feature could be woven in through the idea of exchange students living in a rural setting for a year, where each channel a nature-based Persona that ties into their culture's mythological background. This type of method could build upon the diversity of Persona 6's cast.
The potential use of green as a symbol of nature in Persona 6 could serve as a compelling contrast to Persona 5's city-based setting while continuing to channel the beauty of Japan's landscapes. A green theme could also suggest a more mellow, calm pace to Persona 6's confidant and activity system, which would allow its party members to receive ample screen time during the game's duration without some Persona characters being put off to the sidelines. Though it remains to be seen what color the title will inevitably land on, it's certain that Persona 6 will find a unique way to make it stand out.
Persona 6 is currently in development.
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