
Fridge raider: Love Island's Jessie Wynter shares her food secrets

Closer logo Closer 02.06.2023 20:02:52 Closer staff
jessie wynter

Love Island star and Aussie import, Jessie Wynter, reveals her go-to snacks and her favourite meal she cooks for boyfriend Will Young.

Around £40 a week on food shopping. I've just moved from Australia to the UK and I'm enjoying trying lots of new British foods that I've never had before.

For breakfast I always like to have a high protein and high fibre meal. It's my biggest meal of the day, so I'll have a big bowl of oats with Greek yoghurt, blueberries and honey on top. I usually go for a lighter lunch, so I'll whip up a chicken salad.

I'll either have chicken prepared in the fridge or just buy some from the store and chuck it together with salad ingredients. I love to get my veggies in at dinner time. I'll have carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato and then my main protein source will be chicken, steak or salmon.

I love a good muesli bar and making smoothies. I'd have banana, a nice chocolate protein powder, yoghurt and I usually use oatmeal and chuck in chia seeds and peanut butter as well.

I don't really like rice or the taste of celery.

A nice bowl of creamy pasta with garlic bread. It's my favourite and it's my boyfriend Will's favourite too.

I do love a cheeky glass of Prosecco.

Nutritionist Juliette Kellow says, "Jessie has a great approach to meals. A satisfying breakfast provides plenty of energy and nutrients at the start of a busy day. It's great to see lots of protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, eggs and seeds on the menu - good for maintaining muscle - and fruit and veg, which are good for everything from healthy skin and hair to a strong immune and nervous system."

Follow Jessie on Instagram @jessiereneewynter

vendredi 2 juin 2023 23:02:52 Categories: Closer

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