
How to Change FPS in Diablo IV

Siliconera logo Siliconera 02.06.2023 05:01:53 Kazuma Hashimoto

© Provided by Siliconera

Like most modern games, Diablo IV will allow you change the framerate (FPS) the game runs at through it's settings menu. This includes both foreground and background FPS. So if you are noticing that when you tab out of the game, it runs at a significantly lower framerate, this guide will break down how to change both FPS settings in Diablo IV.

Access your options menu and go to the "Graphics" section. Under the "Performance" tab, you will find both the "Max Foreground" and "Max Background" FPS options. Here you can manually adjust what FPS the game is running out when you are tabbed in or tabbed out of the game. This is especially good for streamers to mess with if they will be playing the game in Windowed Mode.

Additionally, if Diablo IV is taxing your PC (especially while fighting World Bosses), you can manually assign a framerate ideal for your rig through this option. However, you cannot input a number and instead will need to play around with the sliders to set your preferred frame rate.

If you want audio to play in the background while you are tabbed out of the game head to the "Sounds" tab and under "Game Sound Output" check the "Play in Background" option. This will allow for audio from the game to play even if it is isn't the main window you currently have open.

Diablo IV is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox One.

vendredi 2 juin 2023 08:01:53 Categories: Siliconera

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