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The 36 Most Interesting Facts about Morocco

Parenthood and Passports logo: MainLogo Parenthood and Passports 28.05.2023 02:32:07 Parenthood and Passports
A pretty blue street in Chefchaouen,

Morocco is a fascinating country - a treasure trove, really, of captivating history and stunning landscapes. From the seemingly endless dunes of the Sahara to the dizzying medinas, Morocco is like a beautiful tapestry where ancient tradition and modern influence are uniquely woven together.

If you are planning a trip or just want to know more important information about Morocco, we've compiled the most interesting facts about Morocco (including 5 fun Morocco facts for kids!), as well as some general information on the country.

Morocco is very different from other places we have visited. Our initial impression of Morocco fell somewhere between culture shock and intrigue. Part of us wanted to immediately leave the country the first day we got there. (That is a normal reaction to culture shock.) 

Still, another part of us wanted to stay in Morocco much longer so we could understand more about the country and the way of life. 

We visited the North African country on a three country trip that included Portugal, Spain, and Morocco. Enchanted by the sights, sounds, and experiences in Morocco, we left the country wanting to explore it more, and learn even more fascinating and fun facts about Morocco.

We discovered many of these interesting facts about Morocco while visiting the North African country. 

Some of the other information we learned when researching Morocco for our trip. While different areas of the country may vary greatly, these facts about Morocco are typical of the entire nation.

One of the most beautiful cities in Morocco, and also one of the most popular among tourists, is the blue city of Chefchaouen. Chefchaouen is known as the Blue Pearl of Morocco because the entire medina and a large portion of the mountain village is painted pale blue. 

In fact, simply wandering around and taking pictures of the medina is one of the most popular things to do in Chefchaouen. 

Located in the Rif Mountains, this enchanting town has an otherworldly atmosphere that leaves visitors in awe. Every corner of Chefchaouen exudes a sense of tranquility and serenity. Wandering the streets is a sensory experience, with its narrow winding alleys, intricate doors and windows, and the scent of Moroccan spices filling the air. 

Its unique charm and picturesque appeal makes it a true haven for photographers, artists, and dreamers seeking a haven of peace and beauty in the heart of Morocco.

Just as Chefchaouen is known as the "blue city", the city of Marrakesh is called the "red city". But unlike Chefchaouen, the walls in Marrakesh (or Marrakech) aren't purposely painted red. Instead, the reddish hue comes from the clay and red sandstone used to construct many of the old buildings in Marrakesh.

Although the walls of the city are actually more of a pink or salmon color, Marrakesh has garnered the nickname "the red city". 

Located in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh is renowned for its mesmerizing medina, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where narrow labyrinthine streets lead to bustling souks brimming with exquisite handicrafts, aromatic spices, and intricate carpets.

Its exotic atmosphere makes it one of the most popular places for tourists to visit in Morocco. 

Luckily, you won't break the bank in this Moroccan destination. Visiting Marrakesh on a budget is completely doable.

When the United States declared its independence, Morocco was the first country to recognize the newly formed union as an independent nation. 

Morocco opened its ports and began trading with the United States in 1777, less than one year after the USA declared independence. Under the ruling Sultan Mohammed III, Morocco sought to expand its diplomatic ties and trade networks beyond Europe. And the American Revolution provided just that opportunity.

Morocco already had established diplomatic ties with the American colonies, but the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship, negotiated in 1786, further solidified this recognition and laid the foundation for mutually beneficial commercial agreements.

More than 10 million people visit Morocco each year. Tourism in Morocco is a booming business, employing roughly 20 percent of the population. 

Most visitors to Morocco come from neighboring Europe, although the country is quickly growing in popularity among people from the United States, Canada, and other countries around the world.

What is the draw to Morocco? The country boasts numerous attractions, from the bustling medinas of cities like Marrakesh and Fez to the breathtaking beauty of the Sahara Desert, where visitors can embark on camel treks and sleep under the stars in traditional nomadic camps. 

Tourism is already one of Morocco's largest industries and continues to grow with each passing year.

Islam is the primary religion in Morocco. While 99% of the country is Muslim, Morocco remains one of the more progressive Muslim countries in the world.

Generally speaking, Morocco tends to be more accepting of outsiders and more tolerant of beliefs and lifestyles that do not conform with the Muslim faith. 

Still, Islam plays a huge role in Moroccan life. It has a heavy influence on the country's laws and the general code of conduct.

As a traveler, it is important to respect the religion of any country you visit. For a woman, this might mean dressing more modestly.

Although foreign women do not have to cover their heads in Morocco, we do recommend wearing loose-fitted clothing, covering your shoulders, and wearing skirts, dresses, or shorts that go below the knee.

The official language of Morocco is Moroccan Arabic, and that is what most Moroccans speak. But one of the most interesting facts about Morocco is that there are multiple languages spoken throughout the country besides the official language. 

There are several dialects of Arabic spoken in Morocco, including Hasaniyya Arabic and Standard Arabic.

French is somewhat common with about a third of the population knowing or speaking French. This is because Morocco was a French colony at one point, and the language remained. Additionally, because of its proximity to Spain, Spanish is also common - although you shouldn't rely on it as your only language.

In touristy areas, you will find some people who speak English, as well. In fact, roughly 20 percent of the population knows at least some English. 

But if you plan to learn a bit of a language for your travels, Arabic or French would be best in Morocco.

When people think of countries famous for their wine production, Morocco probably doesn't come to mind. After all, consuming alcohol is against the religion of Islam, so why would a Muslim country produce wine? 

Surprisingly, the country has a rich history in wine making that dates back to the Phoenician era.

Morocco produces 40 million bottles of wine each year. Although the country produces both wine and beer, alcohol is not widely available except at a select few licensed hotels and restaurants that primarily cater to tourists. 

You also won't see many locals consuming alcohol in Morocco and drinking on a public street is even against the law in many places.

Tea is a staple in Morocco, and serving it is practically an art form. 

Typically served in small glasses on a silver tray with traditional Moroccan tea glasses, the tea is prepared by steeping fresh green tea leaves with fresh mint and lots of sugar. The result is a sweet, fragrant drink with a strong mint taste. 

To me, Moroccan tea tastes like spearmint chewing gum, as the mint flavor is very distinct and pronounced. If you enjoy it, Moroccan tea is a popular souvenir from Morocco to buy and bring back home. 

Drinking it at home is a great way to relive your travels and bring back the feeling of travel.

Mint tea is the national drink of Morocco, and ordering it isn't just about the taste, it's about the experience. Serving it is a form of hospitality in Morocco.

Moroccans pour tea from at least a foot above the glass so the fragrance can immediately be detected in the air.

Although cannabis, its byproducts, and other drugs are illegal in Morocco, that doesn't mean you won't find hash everywhere. 

Hash is a concentrated form of cannabis. It is much more potent than marijuana, and seems to be the drug of choice in Morocco.

If you are visiting Morocco with kids, you probably won't be approached by a dealer, thankfully,  unless you venture out of your hotel at night without kids. But solo travelers and travelers without kids in tow will likely be approached at least once by someone offering to sell them hash.

Keep in mind, just because it's readily available doesn't mean it is legal. Buying or consuming drugs in Morocco is very much illegal and can result in a very harsh punishment. Although it should go without saying, don't break the laws of the country you are visiting and also. don't do drugs. 

The presence of hash is one of those facts about Morocco that you might just want to be aware of, so you aren't taken off-guard by it, like we were.

Morocco may be on the continent of Africa, but it is closer to Europe than my house is to my favorite restaurant! 

The countries of Morocco and Spain are separated by the Strait of Gibraltar, which at its narrowest point, is only 9 miles wide. This geographical advantage has resulted in a distinct European influence on the Moroccan country, and has certainly helped boost the country's tourism sector. 

You can easily take a ferry between the two countries, although the ferries take WAY longer than you would expect. 

You can also take a guided tour from Spain to Tangier, Morocco for a day to get a taste of the country if you only have a limited time.

Outside of Hollywood, Morocco is one of the most popular places to film major motion pictures. In fact, there is a good chance if you have seen a movie, or even a portion of a movie set in a desert, it was filmed in Morocco. 

The low cost to film there, coupled with an established relationship with many American studios, and a more open attitude makes Morocco "Africa's Little Hollywood".  

But one of the most fun facts about Morocco is that the movie Casablanca, which is named after and set in the famous Moroccan city, was NOT actually filmed in Morocco.

Technically, Morocco is ONE OF the homes to the largest hot desert in the world. The Sahara Desert spans more than 3.3 million square miles and stretches across 11 north African countries, including Morocco. 

Sahara Desert guided tours are popular among tourists to Morocco and should be included on any Morocco itinerary if you have the time. 

From the majestic Erg Chebbi dunes near Merzouga to the remote and enchanting landscapes of the Draa Valley, the Sahara covers a significant portion of Morocco's southeastern region. 

One of the draws to a Sahara Desert trek is the perfect silence and ability to see millions of twinkling stars in the night sky. It creates a sense of awe and tranquility, allowing you to disconnect from the outside world. 

Until visiting Morocco, we thought snake charmers were just fictional characters found in movies. We now know these venomous reptile handlers are not only a real thing in Morocco, you'll find them in India, Egypt, and other parts of the world, as well.

Often, you'll find snake charmers in popular tourist gathering places, like the main square in Marrakesh or Tangier, working for tips. 

While we personally know nothing about the practice itself, we don't find anything charming about snakes or about capturing a wild creature and using it to make a profit, so it wasn't something we particularly enjoyed witnessing.

With that said, snake charming has become less common in recent years due to changing attitudes towards animal welfare, and there has been a concerted effort by authorities to discourage this practice.

So, while you may still see a snake charmer in Morocco, this particular form of street performance is becoming less prevalent.

Most people associate Morocco with the Sahara Desert, beaches, and an arid climate. But Morocco actually has a ski resort, as well. 

Although small, Oukaïmeden is the highest ski resort in Africa. The resort has seven lifts and more than six miles of skiing terrain. 

While that may pale in comparison to ski resorts in the Alps or the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada, it is still one of the most interesting facts about Morocco.

A popular oil found in luxury cosmetics and hair care products, argan oil, is a major export of Morocco. The oil comes from argan nuts, which grow in the arid climate of Morocco. Moroccans have used this oil for years for everything from food to traditional medicine. 

Often referred to as "liquid gold," its uses in beauty products in more recent history have made for a booming business in Morocco.  

The production of argan oil is deeply rooted in the heritage of the region, where it has been traditionally extracted by Berber women for centuries. The process involves manually harvesting the fruit from the argan tree, extracting the kernels, and cold-pressing them to yield the precious oil. 

Although it is extremely popular and practically synonymous with Morocco, argan oil isn't the country's primary export. Morocco exports a variety of agricultural products, like dates and olives. 

The country is also a major exporter of phosphates and derivatives, as it possesses abundant phosphate reserves, making it one of the world's leading producers and exporters of phosphate rock. 

Other notable exports include handicrafts, like rugs, ceramics, and leather goods. 

Finally, Morocco is also one of the world's biggest exporters of sardines.

Morocco boasts more than just deserts and a ski resort. It is also a country with numerous beaches. The north African country borders both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of only 3 countries to do so. For this reason, there are some beautiful beaches in Morocco.

Although we walked along the shore of the beach, we did not get in the water. Most women at the beach were not in the type of swimwear commonly worn in western cultures. So, out of respect for the culture and Morocco's standards of modesty, we did not feel comfortable wearing our swimsuits. 

Berbers are an ethnic group native to North Africa. They primarily live in Morocco now, although Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and a few other countries have pockets of Berber people. 

This indigenous group has its own language and lives a simplistic lifestyle, relying on agriculture, herding, and crafts as their primary means of livelihood.

Berbers are often characterized as nomads, and some tribes still inhabit and live nomadically in the Sahara Desert. Although most Berbers are farms or mountain dwellers who live in one place in close-knit villages.

The Moroccan dirham is the currency of the country. Moroccan banknotes come in denominations of 20, 50, 100, and 200 dirhams, while coins are available in denominations of 1, 2, 5, and 10 dirhams, as well as 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 centimes.

Although exchange rates always vary, one dirham is worth about 10 US cents, or 10 dirhams equal roughly $1 USD. Given the exchange rate, Morocco is considered an inexpensive country to visit. 

We found taxis and many businesses and vendors did not accept credit cards in Morocco. While some vendors did accept Euros, you will likely need to visit an ATM when you arrive in Morocco to get some dirham for your trip.

Additionally, it's worth carrying smaller denominations of cash for smaller establishments, markets, and street vendors, as they often prefer cash transactions.

You can't walk through a medina or souk in Morocco without seeing bags of colorful dyes lining the streets. 

One of the most iconic dyes used in Moroccan textiles is indigo, a deep blue dye derived from the leaves of the indigo plant. It is commonly used in the creation of traditional garments like djellabas and kaftans. 

Another prominent dye is henna, a natural reddish-brown pigment obtained from the henna plant. Henna is widely used for intricate and temporary body art, particularly during celebrations and festivals. 

Morocco is also known for its use of saffron, a precious spice that imparts a bright yellow hue. Saffron is often utilized in culinary preparations, including traditional Moroccan dishes like tagines and rice-based desserts. 

Other natural dyes derived from plants, such as madder root, pomegranate skins, and safflower, contribute to the kaleidoscope of colors seen in Moroccan carpets, rugs, and tapestries.

I'm not quite sure why someone would buy these dyes unless you make your own textiles or clothing, but the bags of dyes add to the colorfulness of this country. 

Morocco is proud of its leather products, and with good reason. Moroccan leather is considered some of the most valuable in the world. And the process of making it has become somewhat of a spectacle in cities like Fez.

Each day, tourists flock to the leather tanneries to witness the pungent process which involves soaking, stripping, and drying the animal hides before submerging them in the colorful dyes mentioned above.

One of the most famous leather items is the Moroccan leather pouf, a versatile and stylish seating option. These poufs are meticulously crafted and can be found in an array of colors and designs. 

Moroccan leather bags and purses are also highly sought after, featuring intricate hand-stitched patterns and excellent attention to detail.

Morocco is known for its lively, active medinas. A medina is a historic quarter of a city. Found throughout North Africa, medinas are typically surrounded by walls and have narrow, maze-like streets. Morocco is home to the largest active medina in the world.

The medina in Fez gives you an authentic Moroccan experience. Said to be the cultural capital of Morocco, Fez, is the oldest city in Africa, and should be included on any Morocco itinerary. 

The Fez (or Fes) medina is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is divided into two main sections: Fes el-Bali (Old Fes) and Fes el-Jdid (New Fes). 

Fes el-Bali is the heart of the medina and is famous for its well-preserved medieval architecture, ancient mosques, and madrasas, or Islamic schools.

The winding alleyways are lined with vibrant souks, where visitors can immerse themselves in a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and aromas. From colorful textiles and leather goods to spices, ceramics, and traditional Moroccan lamps, the medina offers an endless array of treasures to discover. 

For a hands-on history lesson, book a guided walking tour of the Fez medina.

While Fez may be the oldest active medina in the world, the city of Tetouan also has a medina worth visiting. 

The city boasts the best preserved medina in the world. With its white-washed walls similar to the white villages in Spain, it is easy to see the Spanish influence on the town. The city's history as a former Spanish protectorate is reflected in its unique blend of Moorish and Spanish architectural elements. 

The medina is divided into different quarters, each with its own charm and character. Now designated one of Morocco's UNESCO World Heritage sites, the medina of Tetouan, is a popular day trip from Tangier. 

The Moroccan flag is one of the easiest flags to recognize. It is a simple red flag with a green pentagram in the center. The 5-pointed star represents the seal of Solomon, and the five branches represent the pillars of Islam. 

The red background symbolizes bravery and strength, while green is the color of Islam and is supposed to symbolize peace and hope.

With its bold colors and striking symbolism, the Moroccan flag serves as a proud emblem of the nation's identity and aspirations for unity and progress.

We mentioned earlier that Islamic beliefs play a big role in Morocco's laws. Perhaps the starkest example of that is its laws against homosexuality. Identifying as an LGBTQ+ person is against the law in Morocco. This is one of the more unfortunate facts about Morocco, but one that is very important for LGBTQ+ travelers. 

While there have been instances of arrests and prosecutions, the Moroccan government has also taken steps towards greater tolerance and inclusivity - but there is still a long way to go. LGBTQ+ organizations and activists in Morocco continue to advocate for the recognition of LGBTQ+ rights and the repeal of discriminatory laws.

Despite Morocco's tendency toward leniency when it comes to foreign travelers, we would not encourage my LGBTQ+ friends to visit Morocco until the law changes. 

Stray cats are everywhere in Morocco. It was especially noticeable in Chefchaouen, but there is an overpopulation of cats in Marrakesh and many other Moroccan cities, as well. 

The cats are not necessarily pets, but the locals do seem to take care of them. They leave water and food scraps outside for the strays, and because of this, the cats are not scared of people.

This was a bit alarming for me considering none of these cats are vaccinated and rabies is very much a valid issue in Morocco. Many Muslims in Morocco consider domestic cats to be "clean" animals and prefer them over dogs, which to us, was one of the more interesting facts about Morocco and its culture.

Still, exercise caution when approaching stray cats in Morocco, and if traveling through Morocco with kids,  make sure children know to be careful around stray animals, as well.

While cats may be considered clean, one's left hand is not. In fact, using your left hand to eat, particularly any food eaten with your hand instead of a utensil, is considered rude and unclean. 

In Moroccan culture, the left hand is reserved for bathroom hygiene and chores, and eating should be done with the right hand only. 

This can be a challenge for those who are naturally left-handed.

Couscous is considered the national dish of Morocco, but many Moroccans only eat this dish on Friday, which is the Islamic holy day. 

You can find couscous served any day of the week at many restaurants in Morocco, along with other Moroccan food options. 

This traditional Moroccan dish is one of the foods that we think everyone must try when they visit Morocco.

Holding hands, hugging, and kissing in public are all considered taboo in Morocco. Although not necessarily illegal in Morocco, public displays of affection between spouses or partners are frowned upon and considered inappropriate. 

As advised earlier, respect the culture of any country you visit. Save your affectionate displays for your hotel room or other private spaces.

The oldest existing educational institution in the world is widely believed to be Al-Qarawiyyin University, located in Fes, Morocco. 

Founded in 859, it has been continuously operating for over a millennium. Originally established as a mosque and center for Islamic studies, Al-Qarawiyyin University expanded over the centuries to include various disciplines such as theology, law, astronomy, mathematics, and languages. 

The institution played a crucial role in the preservation and dissemination of knowledge during the Islamic Golden Age, attracting scholars and intellectuals from across the Muslim world. 

It continues to operate to this day, making it a testament to the lasting impact and influence of ancient educational institutions.

While kids may find some of these interesting facts about Morocco fun, some of the information mentioned above is definitely more intriguing for adults. 

For this reason we wanted to include a few more interesting Morocco facts for kids, specifically.

The quality of education is improving in Morocco, especially among girls. But it still has a long way to go. 

In rural areas, less than half of all girls graduate high school. Instead of attending school, teenage girls are often tasked with helping with housework and caring for younger kids.

About ¾ of adults in Morocco know how to read and write. Despite the education system not being all that great, Morocco still has one of the oldest universities in the world.

Soccer is the most popular sport in Morocco, also known as football in European and South America countries. 

Even more reason to wash up before dinner, meals in Morocco are commonly eaten with your hand instead of a fork or spoon. Just remember, use only the right hand to eat!

Just like the United States has the bald eagle, Morocco has the barbary lion as its national animal. The lion is now extinct in the wild, but once roamed the area near the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. 

In Morocco, the heart is not considered the symbol of love. Traditionally, in Morocco, the liver is the organ from which desire and love come. 

If that isn't one of the most interesting facts about Morocco, I don't know what is!

We love hearing from our readers. Which of these interesting facts about Morocco did you find most intriguing? Let us know in the comments below!

dimanche 28 mai 2023 05:32:07 Categories: Parenthood and Passports: MainLogo

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