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10 Ultimate (and Easy!) Day Trips from Quito

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Quito is one of South America's great cities, and there are so many things to do in Quito that you won't have trouble filling an itinerary. However, there are also countless day trips from Quito Ecuador that should be on your travel radar as well. A trip to Quito isn't complete without a day trip from Quito!

Some of Ecuador's most incredible attractions make for the best day trips from Quito, including those you can visit on your own, and those best to save for inexpensive day tours from Quito.

After living in Quito for two years, we've tried all the Quito day trips & excursions you could think of - and we're sharing all about them here. Keep reading for this ultimate guide to day trips from Quito, including all the day trips Quito is best known for, and then some!

Plus, check out this opportunity to see two of Ecuador's most stunning natural sites in one whirlwind day - both favorite Quito day trips.

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Located in the heights of the Andes Mountains in the middle of the country, Quito is close to everything, making it a great destination if you're looking to explore Ecuador.

There is plenty more to discover along the Andes Mountain chain, plus the nearby cloud forest to the east and Amazon to the west. Within a few hours' drive, you can find world-class bird watching and adventure sports in the cloud forest, the mountainous highlands, multiple volcanos, lakes, incredible viewpoints, hiking destinations, and more. You can choose what is most interesting to you, and make it fit into almost any itinerary.

Read More About Quito Travel:

Best Things to Do in Quito

Old Town Quito: Ultimate Guide to Quito's Historic Center

Where to Stay in Quito: Neighborhoods and Accommodations Guide

Some of the best day trips from Quito are to nearby destinations easily accessible with public transport that make for half-day excursions. Others are a bit farther and require private transport, and are even better with an overnight.

Check out our map of Quito day trips & excursions to get a better idea about where you'll find some of these destinations, so you can start planning your ultimate day trip from Quito.

Otavalo is one of the most popular day trips from Quito! Just two hours north of Quito, Otavalo is best known for having South America's largest artisan handicrafts market - truly a sight not to be missed!

Market days in Otavalo got their start with indigenous peoples prior to the arrival of the Incas, so there is some real history here. Today, Saturdays are the biggest market days, and to a lesser extent, Wednesdays. Market stalls spill into the city streets these days, but the market is open on a smaller scale in the Plaza de Ponchos every day.

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The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Otavalo and the Otavalo Market

At the market, you'll find all kinds of textiles, especially made from alpaca, like blankets, ponchos, and sweaters, as well as home goods, jewelry, leather goods, clothing, and souvenirs. You'll also find sections selling fresh fruits and vegetables, prepared foods, and live animals - definitely an interesting sight!

After living in Quito for two years, I visited Otavalo at least eight times, and will still head back the next chance I get! The market is incredible, and there is so much to see and do here, even beyond the market.

Beyond just visiting the market, Otavalo boasts the nearby Laguna Cuicocha - a stunning volcanic crater lake with epic hikes - Cascada de Peguche (Peguche Waterfall), Lago San Pablo (San Pablo Lake), and more that are all worth seeing!

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The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Otavalo and the Otavalo Market

There are three main ways to take an Otavalo day trip from Quito:

Take public transport - a greyhound-style bus from Quito to Otavalo

Schedule a group tour

Schedule a private tour

If you want to take public transportation, you can catch a bus from Quito's Carcelén bus terminal for around $2 USD. Buses leave every 15 minutes to half-hour, so you'll have plenty of options. The trip takes about 2 hours.

If you're planning on visiting on Saturday for the market, taking a tour from Quito is your best option. Public transport can be quite busy, and often sells out on the weekends on the way back from Otavalo. Plus, you'll want to arrive early, as the market is best in the morning.

There is a fantastic day tour of Otavalo and the surrounding areas is an extremely popular and inexpensive (less than $50!) option for an Otavalo day trip from Quito. We used this company and booked this tour once during a family friend's visit to Ecuador for tours of Otavalo, and excellent experience!

With this day tour of Otavalo, you'll have the option of transportation back to Quito, or sticking around in Otavalo and traveling on from there.

This tour of Otavalo has all transport and food included, plus get to see some of the other nearby sites, like Laguna Cuicocha and the Cotacachi leather craftsmen. Highly recommended if you're considering a visit to Otavalo!

Rebecca Adventure Travel is a fantastic, small travel company that offers private, personalized day tours from Quito to Otavalo. They also include visits to nearby spots like Laguna Cuicocha crater lake and Peguche Waterfall, and the guides are great.

Here are the best places to stay in Otavalo:

Flying Donkey Hostel ($)

La Posada del Quinde ($$)

Hacienda Cusin ($$ - $$$)

($) The Secret Garden Hostel

($ - $$) Selina Quito

($$) Vista del Angel Boutique Hotel

($$ - $$$) Hotel Carlota

($$$) Casa Gangotena

Easily one of the most stunning natural features in Ecuador, Cotopaxi Volcano is a snow-capped beauty rising out of the Andes just outside of the city of Quito. Its proximity to Quito makes it a perfect day trip from Quito, and one of the most popular day trips for travelers.

Visits to Cotopaxi National Park usually include touring around the best parts of the park, like Lago Limpiopungo, and taking in the beautiful scenery and wildlife here. Plus, you can hike up to the Jose Rivas Refuge, just below the volcano's glacier line, for incredible views.

Summiting Cotopaxi is much more challenging, involving full winter gear and crampons, plus an overnight at the refuge. If you're interested, it is a truly unforgettable experience!

If you have a bit more time in your schedule, I recommend spending a night in Cotopaxi National Park at The Secret Garden Cotopaxi. This is probably my favorite hotel, ANYWHERE.

Wedged between Cotopaxi and nearby Pasochoa, The Secret Garden has the most incredible views of the national park and the volcano, as well as incredible food, excellently organized excursions, and comfortable rooms. Plus, it is relatively inexpensive, and even offers hostel-style dorm rooms for travelers on a budget.

If you can't manage to find time in your itinerary for The Secret Garden, it is still well worth a visit to Cotopaxi with a Cotopaxi day trip from Quito! Keep reading for the best tour options.

There are three main ways to take a Cotopaxi day trip from Quito:

Take public transport - a greyhound-style bus from Quito to Latacunga, getting off at the Cotopaxi National Park entrance. Read more about public transportation to Cotopaxi in our Quito to Cotopaxi Guide.

Schedule a group tour

Schedule a private tour

While you might save a little money taking public transportation, I generally recommend against it if you have just one day to visit. You can't walk around the park - just walking from the bus stop to the entrance to the park takes over an hour! - so you'll have to hire one of the local guides that wait at the bus stop anyways.

If you love adventure and want to take your trip to Cotopaxi to the next level, consider the Cotopaxi Hiking and Mountain Biking excursion, an incredibly popular activity that involves biking down the volcano!

Looking to combine two distinct day trips in one? This Cotopaxi and Quilotoa tour takes you to both sites. These are two of Ecuador's most stunning natural wonders, so this is a perfect excursion if you're on a tight itinerary.

Small group excursions to Cotopaxi from Quito are the best way to enjoy a Cotopaxi day trip from Quito. You'll be able to explore the park with an experienced guide, hike to the refuge on the volcano, and all transportation and food is included.

This Cotopaxi day trip from Quito is with a really reliable company we've used in the past - they provide an unforgettable travel experience for your money.

If you're looking for more flexibility to design your own itinerary, consider a private tour of Cotopaxi from Quito. These tours include hiking in the National Park and the opportunity to climb to Cotopaxi's refuge but can be personalized depending on your interest!

Here are the best places to stay near Cotopaxi:

Secret Garden Cotopaxi ($ - $$)

Hacienda El Porvenir ($$)

Quilotoa is one of the most beautiful destinations in Ecuador, and truly an unforgettable trip. After living in Ecuador for two years and visiting Quilotoa at least five times, I still can't wait until I have the chance to return.

Quilotoa crater lake is actually a volcano - the volcano rim collapsed in on itself centuries ago, leaving behind the stunning blue-green lake you see today. High in the mountains, Quilotoa and the surrounding mountains make up some of the most beautiful scenery in all of the Andes, and the 3-day Quilotoa Loop trek is one of South America's best hikes.

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The Ultimate Guide to Quilotoa and the Quilotoa Loop Trek

Quilotoa is in an extremely isolated location high in the Andes, about 3 hours from Quito by car, or 4+ hours by bus. It is certainly a drive, but still well worth the visit even as a day trip from Quito.

Small group excursions or private excursions to Quilotoa from Quito are the best way to visit in just one day and allow you to enjoy your time at this unforgettable site, hiking, kayaking in the lake, or just taking in the view.

There are two ways to take a Quilotoa day trip from Quito:

Schedule a group tour

Schedule a private tour

It is practically impossible to visit Quilotoa from Quito and return to Quito in just one day using public transportation.

Getting to Quilotoa by bus involves taking a bus from Quito to Latacunga, then another bus from Latacunga to Quilotoa. Buses infrequently leave Quilotoa headed back to Latacunga, so it is practically impossible to make it in one day.

If you want to visit Quilotoa via public bus, plan on spending one night here - check out Hosteria Alpaka Quilotoa if you plan on staying! I stayed here several times and had a great experience. Alternatively, spend a night in Latacunga at Hostal Tiana.

If you're looking for a Quilotoa day trip from Quito, choose a small group excursion or a private excursion if you're looking for more flexibility. This is a great Quito day trip to choose - you'll never forget this truly breathtakingly beautiful destination.

Looking to combine the best day trips from Quito in one? The Quilotoa and Cotopaxi tour takes you to both of these incredible destinations. These are two of Ecuador's most stunning natural wonders, so this is a perfect excursion if you're on a tight itinerary.

A small group Quilotoa day trip is a great way to enjoy one of Ecuador's most beautiful destinations in just one day. Just the drive alone is spectacular - this area has some of the most beautiful mountainous scenery in all of the Andes.

The Quilotoa day trip from Quito includes private transportation and a guide, as well as stop-offs along the way to appreciate the scenery at well-known lookouts, and an excursion to indigenous communities' handicraft workshops, as well as including lunch.

You'll also have time to hike around part of the crater rim or into the volcanic crater - remember, you're at a high elevation here, so take it easy on yourself!

Scheduling a private Quilotoa day trip from Quito is another great way to enjoy this destination at your own pace. The guides that lead this trip are truly fantastic, and scheduling a private tour means you can tailor the experience to exactly what you're looking for.

The private tour from Quito also includes a visit to the nearby Sasquili market, which is a fantastic and super authentic market that not many travelers make it to.

Here are the best places to stay in Quilotoa:

Hosteria Chukirawa ($ - $$)

Hosteria Alpaka Quilotoa ($ - $$)

Check out our Ultimate Ecuador Packing List to help you pack for your trip - we're sharing exactly what to bring to Ecuador, and what we never travel without.

Located about an hour and a half to the northwest of Quito, the small town of Mindo is located in the heart of Ecuador's subtropical Cloud Forest habitat. This unique mix of mountains and jungle located between the Andes and the coast is the perfect place for a day trip from Quito.

In Mindo you can enjoy relaxing and taking in this warm jungle paradise, or take part in any of the area's countless adventure activities. Here you'll find beautiful and secluded waterfall hikes, incredible ziplining (the best in Ecuador!), river tubing, waterfall repelling (called canyoning), and more.

You can even tour the local artisanal chocolate makers' factory and shop, enjoy world-class birdwatching (some of South America's best!), or visit a butterfly sanctuary with countless species of butterflies. This and more, if you're looking for a letter less "adventure" but just as much fun.

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There are three ways to take a Mindo day trip from Quito:

Travel independently using public transportation

Schedule a group tour

Schedule a private tour

If you want to travel to Mindo independently, take a bus from Quito La Ofelia bus station in the north of the city - the bus company Flor del Valle has buses directly to Mindo about every hour starting at 8:00 am on weekdays and 7:40 am on weekends. The trip takes about 2 hours and costs $3.10 USD.

When traveling by bus, always make sure you secure your return ticket as soon as you arrive in Mindo - the last buses leaving Mindo in the late afternoon sell out fast!

If you only have one day to spend in Mindo, I recommend considering a shared group excursion to Mindo, or a private excursion if you're looking for a more personalized experience.

There is simply SO MUCH TO DO in Mindo that saving on time by choosing an excursion will let you enjoy the town so much more. Make sure to check out our other Mindo articles to get a better idea of everything there is to do here:

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Small group excursions as a Mindo day trip from Quito are one of the best options for visiting Mindo in just one day. Private transportation makes a big difference and saves you so much time getting here, meaning you can enjoy much more of what Mindo has to offer.

Friends used this tour company and took this Mindo day trip from Quito and had a great experience. Highly recommended to enjoy one day in Mindo!

If you're looking for even more flexibility in a Mindo day trip from Quito, consider booking a private excursion to Mindo. You'll be able to communicate with guides ahead of time about activity options and enjoy your trip to the fullest.

If you're a birdwatcher, consider booking a private, specialized birdwatching excursion from Quito. Even in just one day, you'll have a fantastic experience in the Cloud Forest.

Here are the best places to stay in Mindo:

Casa de Cecilia ($)

Mindo Coffee Lodge & Spa ($ - $$)

Casa Divina Eco Lodge ($$)

Kapari Natural Lodge and Spa ($$ - $$$)

($) The Secret Garden Hostel

($ - $$) Selina Quito

($$) Vista del Angel Boutique Hotel

($$ - $$$) Hotel Carlota

($$$) Casa Gangotena

A visit to Mitad del Mundo - literally, "the middle of the world" and the Equator line - is a must for most visitors to Quito. Located about 20 - 40 minutes outside of central Quito, this is a quick and easy trip.

If you don't have time for a longer day trip, making sure to at least visit Mitad del Mundo is a great way to have a quick excursion from the city.

At Mitad del Mundo, there are a variety of things to see and do, but primarily you'll have two options:

Visit the Monument to the Equator

This large monument is on the site of what was believed to be the true Equator - until GPS proved scientists wrong in the 20th century. Here you'll be able to see the monument and a group of museums and displays around the monument about the special properties of the Equator, plus some souvenir shops and restaurants.

Visit the Inti Ñan Museum

Just a few minutes walk from the monument and on the site of the true Equator, here you'll get to see the true Equator line. You'll also get to try some fun "experiments" like balancing an egg on a nail, seeing how water flows differently on each side of the Equator, etc. There are also some fascinating exhibits about indigenous life and culture.

I always recommend visitors head to the Inti Ñan Museum over the Monument to the Equator, as it is much more interesting and has more to offer, however a quick visit to both is fun as well. In total, expect to spend about an hour or hour and a half at each site you choose to visit.

There are four ways to take a Mitad del Mundo day trip from Quito:

Travel independently using public transportation

Travel independently in a taxi

Schedule a group tour

Schedule a private tour

Because Mitad del Mundo is just outside of Quito, it's quite easy to visit on your own using either a taxi or taking public transportation. Taxis will cost about $15 from central Quito in each direction.

To travel using public transportation, take a public bus to La Ofelia bus station in the north of Quito - many buses travel here, so ask in your accommodation which is most convenient for you to take. From there, take a bus to Mitad del Mundo and get off at the circular plaza once you see the monument to the equator. In total it should take 45 minutes - 1 hour, but will only cost a few dollars in total.

Mitad del Mundo is even easier to visit as part of a day tour, whether you choose a private excursion or a small group excursion. Many tours of Quito offer a quick stop here, or you can choose a tour just of Mitad del Mundo.

There are plenty of small group tours from Quito that visit Mitad del Mundo, and a lot to choose from.

For a private tour of Mitad del Mundo, this is a great, very inexpensive option - just $50 for private tour and guide, including a visit to the TelefériQo as well!

If you're looking for a private tour of Mitad del Mundo and some of Quito's other best sites, this is one of the best private tours which I always recommend to visitors. It offers great flexibility and fantastic guides, and will make your visit to Quito a special one.

Pululahua is a stunning natural destination, and at just a few miles outside of Quito, it also makes for a great day trip or half-day trip from the city. A dormant volcano, Pululahua is now considered a nature reserve and protected environment within Ecuador.

It is one of only two inhabited volcanic craters in the world, and is home to a unique cloud forest ecosystem, similar to that found in Mindo.

Popular activities here include horseback riding and discovering the unique flora and fauna of this cloud forest ecosystem, as well as taking in the stunning views over the crater's rim.

There are four ways to take a Pululahua day trip from Quito:

Travel independently using public transportation

Travel independently in a taxi

Schedule a group tour

Schedule a private tour

To reach Pululahua by bus, travel like you would to Mitad del Mundo. Take one of the many bus lines in Quito that reaches La Ofelia bus terminal, then take the bus that travel to Mitad del Mundo from there. From the Pululahua bus stop you'll need to walk about 20 minutes to reach the entrance to the park, which is why most visitors negotiate a taxi to the entrance of the park from Mitad del Mundo.

To travel to Pululahua by taxi, you can either negotiate a taxi from the center of Quito, or travel by bus to Mitad del Mundo and then negotiate a taxi from there. The first option will cost around $20-25, and the latter around $5.

Just a few miles from Mitad el Mundo, many small group excursions and private excursions of Mitad del Mundo include a stopoff at the overlook into Pululahua's crater. Alternatively, book a private excursion to spend more time exploring the crater itself, which is a fantastic and fascinating escape from Quito.

Most small group tours to Pululahua only include a visit to the viewpoint overlooking the crater, rather than visiting the inside of the crater. The group tours are usually focused on Mitad del Mundo and include the visit to the Pululahua overlook as a bonus. Check out this small group tour to Mitad del Mundo and Pululahua if this sounds like something you're interested in!

If you're wanting to visit the inside of the crater and spend time here, consider visiting independently, or booking a private tour to visit Pululahua more extensively.

A private excursion to Pululahua from Quito is the best way to visit the crater and spend time exploring this unique destination. Check out this Pululahua day trip from Quito, which also includes a guided tour of the Inti Ñan Museum, and is one of the best ways to visit.

Located in Quito's Valle de los Chillos and just across Cotopaxi National Park from Cotopaxi Volcano, Pasochoa is a long-extinct volcano that is a favorite hiking destination outside of Quito.

While many hikers use Pasochoa as a climb to acclimate to Ecuador's altitude and practice for harder summits, like Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, don't let that stop you from visiting Pasochoa if you're more of a beginner. Hiking the Pasochoa summit is a moderate hike of about 7 hours and 12km in length, with a clearly marked path.

Even if you don't want to make the push all the way to the summit, there are several trails along the mountain you can choose, marked well and identified at the trailhead.

You'll see the gorgeous mountainous landscape on your hike, including Cotopaxi herself, and feel like you're exploring Ecuador's countryside as you pass near small farms and pastures. If you're looking for the perfect hiking or trekking excursion outside of Quito, Pasochoa is a great option!

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Check out our ultimate guide to Sangolqui and the Valle de los Chillos to read about how to visit Pasochoa, and all there is to do in the valley surrounding this prime hiking destination.

There are three ways to take a Pasochoa day trip from Quito:

Hike on your own and take public transportation

Schedule a group tour from The Secret Garden Cotopaxi

Schedule a private tour

If you want to hike on your own, take a bus from the Playón de la Marin bus station near the Historic Center of Quito to the town of Amaguaña (about an hour to an hour and a half drive). Get off in the main plaza and get one of the white and green pick-up trucks for hire to bring you to the start of the hike. You can coordinate with the driver to pick you up once you're done, too.

While it is possible to get to Pasochoa and hike in one day without a guide, it would be a lot of bus travel and I doubt you'd have time to return to Quito before nightfall. If you only have one day set aside in your itinerary, I recommend scheduling a private trek with a guide from Quito.

If your itinerary allows for an overnight, I definitely recommend a stay at The Secret Garden Cotopaxi - they organize the best group treks up Pasochoa!

The easiest way to schedule a small group tour of Pasochoa is through the tour operators at The Secret Garden Cotopaxi - I'm not aware of other providers who organize regular small group trips to Pasochoa from Quito.

You'll be able to catch the daily shuttle from The Secret Garden Quito hostel to The Secret Garden Cotopaxi for just $10, stay the night at the hotel and enjoy the free waterfall trek that day, and then summit Pasochoa the next morning. The excursion usually costs about $30. In total, it is quite an affordable overnight and excursion - and a way to enjoy Cotopaxi National Park, too.

Trekking guides are available to lead private Pasochoa treks from Quito, which is the best way to visit and make the hike in just one day. They'll organize all transportation to and from Quito, and food along the way.

Not only do these private Pasochoa guides facilitate all the details of your day, but they'll help you choose the best way up the mountain for you, which gives you the best chance of summiting!

Here are the best places to stay near Pasochoa:

Hotel Casa Sakiwa ($)

The Secret Garden Cotopaxi ($ - $$)

Towering over the city of Quito, the Pichincha Volcano is one of the city's most important landmarks and geographical features. The volcano has several peaks, including the Guagua Pichincha (Spanish for baby Pichincha) peak and Rucu Pichincha (old Pichincha - the older of the volcano's peaks) peak.

While it is possible to hike both peaks, the Rucu Pichincha hike has gotten much more popular in recent years after the TelefériQo cable car was opened, as the top of the TelefériQo is the best place to start the hike.

Overall this hike is considered moderate to challenging. Both the extreme altitude - 15,413 ft (4,698 meters) at the summit of the peak - and sections of scrambling with a lot of exposure add to the difficulty. It is a popular hike that climbers use when arriving in Ecuador to acclimatize before hiking more challenging peaks, like Cotopaxi or Chimborazo.

Make sure to check out the All Trails: Rucu Pichincha Volcano hiking guide for the details of the hike if you're interested! However, be aware that the website maps the distance from the bottom of the mountain, not the top of the TelefériQo.

There are three ways to take a Rucu Pichincha day trip from Quito:

Hike independently from the top of the TelefériQo

Schedule a small group guided trek

Schedule a private guided trek

Because the hike starts at the top of the TelefériQo, it's easy for hikers to get here independently and complete the trek on their own, making this the perfect hike for you if you would like to go without a guide.

However, it is probably a good idea to secure a guide if you can. There are some challenging sections with scrambling required, and the guide can show you the best route for your level of preparation.

This small group guided trek is a great, inexpensive option if you're looking for a guide for this hike. The guides have hiked this trail many times and can point out interesting details and facts along the way, and help you stay on course.

A flexible, private guided trek of the Rucu Pichincha Volcano is another option worth considering. You'll have much more freedom to enjoy the hike at your own pace. Plus, it isn't much more expensive than a small group tour.

($) The Secret Garden Hostel

($ - $$) Selina Quito

($$) Vista del Angel Boutique Hotel

($$ - $$$) Hotel Carlota

($$$) Casa Gangotena

If you're looking to relax and rest during the perfect escape from the city, a Papallacta day trip from Quito may be exactly what you need. Located about 1.5 hours east of Quito, Papallacta is home to natural thermal springs, heated by Ecuador's Route of the Volcanoes.

Visitors can enjoy access to the hot springs for just $9, which includes a variety of hot springs and pools, plus a recreation complex and restaurants serving delicious food. If you're looking to truly unwind and pamper yourself, you can spend a little more ($23 USD) and enjoy the more exclusive thermal pools and spa services within the Termas de Papallacta Hotel & Spa.

No matter what you choose, Papallacta is a fantastic getaway from Quito, too overlooked by most travelers! Consider this your perfect Quito day trip.

There are two ways to take a Papallacta day trip from Quito:

Travel independently by bus

Schedule a private excursion

If you want to travel to Papallacta independently, you'll start by taking a bus from Quitumbe bus station in the south of Quito. You can choose a bus that goes directly to Papallacta on the Baños Cooperativa bus line or any bus headed to Baeza or Tena - you'll just need to let the bus driver know to drop you off at Papallacta. Tickets cost about $2 USD and the trip is about 2 hours.

From the entrance to Papallacta, you can take a five- to ten-minute cab ride up the hill to the entrance of the thermal springs.

Because Papallacta isn't one of the most popular day trips from Quito (though that doesn't mean it isn't a great one!) you won't find many small group tours. However, private trips are quite affordable (less than $50 USD), and a fantastic option if you're looking for a Quito day trip on a budget.

Scheduling a private visit to Papallacta from Quito is the most comfortable way to travel, and makes for a quite affordable day trip from Quito. This private Papallacta excursion is an excellent option for visiting the thermal springs - just bear in mind that your entrance ticket is not included in the price. You can select whether you want to visit the public thermal springs or the fancier thermal springs and spa once you arrive.

Here are the best places to stay in Papallacta:

Mamallacta Páramo Lodge ($$)

Termas de Papallacta Hotel & Spa ($$ - $$$)

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