Rural Mom: MainLogo

Tips for Traveling with Your New Dentures

Rural Mom logo: MainLogo Rural Mom 03.09.2022 18:51:09 Rural Mom
Tips for Traveling with Your New Dentures

New dentures take time to adjust to wearing them. Likewise, traveling away from home may cause new concerns.

Worries arise around dentures staying in place while eating food, long days, visiting new places, talking to new people and interviewing. However, relief of worry comes from:

Thankfully I did all the above yielding a successful travel experience to Fayetteville, N.C.

Making a choice of whether to use a dentist or denture & implant service is your first decision on becoming a denture wearer.

Below is a list of services that both provide to help you choose. Dentists offer other services besides dentures. They perform lots of services to maintain the teeth so dentures are not necessary.

Most take insurance

Denture & Implant Services focus only on the general dentistry of pulling teeth, making dentures or implants and doing follow ups to make sure your your new teeth fit well.

Regardless of which you choose always read reviews from others, speak with the dentist in person, compare the two types of services and make an informed decision based on your research. Always choose a professional who will work with you to make sure you are happy with your new smile.

I chose Affordable Dentures of Ocala, FL

This office offers free x-ray and consultation and

Soak the denture plate(s) overnight to avoid bad breath.

Take a couple of tubes of your favorite adhesive with you and I carried a small tube in my purse in case of an unforeseen emergency of lost bags at the airport or loose dentures while exploring the city. Now is not the time to experiment with brands you have never tried.

Put teeth in early before leaving for the day so the adhesive has time to set and secure a good fit.

Be aware of food that causes problems to eat and avoid those on your trip. Salads are a food that requires extra time to chew so I went with other alternatives when on my trip.

Avoid biting down with the front teeth of dentures. Instead cut food up in manageable bites to avoid dislodging dentures.

Chew evenly letting all the teeth chew the food instead of relying on one side of the mouth. And just like with permanent teeth chew food well before swallowing.

At the end of the day take the dentures out and soak them in a container with your favorite denture cleaner to repeat the process for the next day of travels.

Following these steps, my trip was flawless and I was confident when I spoke with people.

Fayetteville North Carolina offers restaurants of vast cuisines and I was happy that I was able to experience each while having no problems with my new teeth. Following the tips above I did not have any embarrassing moments and enjoyed my trip while meeting new people and tasting great foods.

samedi 3 septembre 2022 21:51:09 Categories: Rural Mom: MainLogo

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