Lifehacker Australia

How to Make Healthy Fish and Chips with an Air Fryer

Lifehacker Australia logo Lifehacker Australia 14.07.2022 03:14:10 lifehackeraustralia
Fish and chips, but make it healthy. (Image: supplied)

Honestly, is there anything better than hot, crispy fish and chips? It soothes the soul. But all that grease - and the transparent paper wrapping - can be a bit off-putting.

But fear not! We're here to tell you there is a way to make classic fish and chips that are actually healthy.

The Philips team has offered tips on making your favourite fast food better for you with the help of an air fryer.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 12 minutes

Serves 2

What you'll need:


Yum! Delicious fish and chips without the grease.

Now, if you would prefer a different style of potatoes with your fish, you're in luck! We have this handy potato bible with every recipe you could possibly wish for, whether you like them baked, roasted, fried or mashed.

jeudi 14 juillet 2022 06:14:10 Categories: Lifehacker Australia

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