Chinese-Australians of WWII Exhibition honours Casterton-Kim brothers for extraordinary actions

ABC NEWS logo ABC NEWS 24/04/2021 04:07:21
text: James Kim (Yan Cheuk Ming), a civilian, aided British POW in Hong Kong and was executed by the Japanese. (Supplied: Katrina Kim-Worley) © Provided by ABC NEWSJames Kim (Yan Cheuk Ming), a civilian, aided British POW in Hong Kong and was executed by the Japanese. (Supplied: Katrina Kim-Worley)

When World War II broke out, the Kim family from Casterton, Victoria, watched three of their boys go off to war - miraculously they all eventually returned.

But fate did not favour their civilian brother, James, who was working in Hong Kong.

Unbeknownst to the family, their eldest boy had become embroiled in clandestine activities aiding British prisoners of war, right under the noses of the Japanese occupiers.

This heroic but dangerous work led to his eventual execution at the hands of the enemy.

Stories of the four Kim brothers are being honoured in a temporary exhibition at the Chinese Museum in Melbourne called Stories of Chinese ANZACs and Chinese-Australians of World War II.

The brothers are also remembered fondly by their niece, Katrina Kim-Worely, who has done extensive research on her large Australian-Chinese family.

The Kims are all descendants of Gin Meng Kim and Ethel Kim (nee Tong),  who came to Australia in the late 1800s and found their home in Casterton, Victoria.

The family is remembered locally for their market garden and grocery store in Casterton.

At risk of being shot by ally and enemy

These Australian farm boys were just like their army mates in every way, except for appearance - and that could have been a matter of life or death when the enemy looked just like you.

Arthur Kim, known as 'Parkie', joined the war efforts and ended up in Papua New Guinea, Borneo and Japan.

His niece, Katrina Kim-Worley said that she remembered her uncle most often relaying how scared he was of being shot, mistaken for the Japanese enemy because of his Asian appearance.

"Uncle Parkie said that if he stuck his head up, he was worried allies were going to accidently shoot him, because he had those Asian features," Ms Kim-Worley said.

"It was quite terrifying for him as a young man," she said.

Arthur Kim survived the war but returned to Casterton a changed man, suffering nervousness, anxiety and stomach issues due to his service.

"Parkie wasn't one to talk much about it because he was on the Kokoda trail and I think he had quite a horrendous story to tell, and he suffered from war nerves afterward," Ms Kim-Worely said.

"He did talk about the long and arduous trek in Borneo from Balikpapan to Sandakan, and how hard the terrain and jungle was," she said.

Cyril's gut-feeling saves his troop

Cyril (Loon Yaun Ming Kim), served as Lance Corporal on the road trains in Central Australia, building infrastructure and shifting supplies from Alice Springs to Darwin. 

"Cyril, or Yang, was the Uncle closest to my heart," Ms Kim-Worley said.

"He was fondly known as 'Doc' with his army mates, due to his care for them when they were sick or hungover," she said.

Katrina Kim-Worley remembers one particularly extraordinary story that her Uncle Cyril would tell about his service on the home front - how one day in 1942, he had a gut feeling that saved the entire troop. 

"I remember him telling us - he was travelling with his convoy, they were marching on to Darwin," Ms Kim-Worley said.

"The night before they were to arrive, he had a gut feeling not to go any further, so he stopped his troops."

"Unfortunately, the next morning, Darwin was bombed and if he hadn't have stopped, his whole troop would have been on the wharf that morning," she said.

The Kim's ninth child, Raymond (Loon Jong Ming Kim) enlisted when he was 18 and ended up with the RAAF flying twin-engine bombers in Canada. He trained hard but the war ended before he could be saw action.

A father's last kisses carved into his prison cell wall

It was actually his civilian brother James Kim,  who ended up at the centre of action in Hong Kong.

"James was involved with the underground British army group, aiding British prisoners of war," said Ms Kim-Worley.

Born in Casterton, James ended up working on the Harbour Board in Hong Kong where he and his wife Annie had settled with their five young children.

They were in Hong Kong when it fell to the Japanese.

James Kim joined the British Army Aid Group (BAAG), where he engaged in clandestine activities to assist British POWs and other allies trapped inside Japanese-occupied-China.

"He would arrange escape routes, and he co-ordinated and provided food and money for their escape," Ms Kim-Worley said.

This critical but dangerous work had gruesome consequences for James, who was captured by the Japanese, tortured and imprisoned. 

He was executed by the Japanese in Hong Kong in October 1943.

While locked inside Stanley Prison, front of mind for the condemned man was his surviving wife and their five children.

So it was that he carved his last Will and Testament into his prison wall, leaving them his final words of affection.

The inscription on the wall read:



Knowing he would not see them before he was shot, James Kim carved a kiss into the wall for each of his five children, and one for his wife.


Some of his carved message was removed by Japanese officers, who censored his last words.

"It was a very tragic story," his niece, Katrina Kim-Worley said. 

Despite the tragedy and lasting impacts of the war on the Kims, the family was proud of their service and honoured by the recognition from the Chinese Museum.

"We're just all so proud of their legacy that they've left us," Ms Kim-Worley said. 

samedi 24 avril 2021 07:07:21 Categories: ABC NEWS

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