Women's Health UK

You Asked How to Lose Leg Fat, This is What the Experts Say About How to Do it Safely

Women's Health UK logo Women's Health UK 11/03/2021 17:02:31 Morgan Fargo
a woman standing in front of a window: Searches for how to lose leg fat and exercises to lose fat on legs are up, so we asked the experts for their best advice on how to do it safely and sustainably © Cavan ImagesSearches for how to lose leg fat and exercises to lose fat on legs are up, so we asked the experts for their best advice on how to do it safely and sustainably

Over the past three months searches for 'how to lose leg fat' are up 100%, with 'exercises to lose fat on legs' up another 60% over the last year. Firstly, that's a lot. Secondly, we hear you - it's something you're genuinely concerned about and want to address. We're here to help get you the expert advice on how to lose leg fat safely (including busting myths about spot reduction), as well as the best exercises to lose leg fat and sculpt lower body muscle.

Before we dive into things, let us caveat - body fat is natural, normal and necessary. We need it for proper hormone function and to, well, live. And, no matter what you'd like to change about your body, the amount of fat you do or do not have never determines your worth or beauty. Read that again if you need to, we'll wait.

Our job is to give you the best, safest, most sustainable expert advice to help you hit your body composition goals. However, we are never home to crash dieting, unsafe weight loss practices or overly restrictive protocols. No way, not ever. And, if you're already on a weight or fat loss journey and are feeling it's becoming a bit much, scale it back. Take some time away and come back when you feel in a more balanced frame of mind.

Plus, and we hope this is front and centre of your mind at all times, every body is different. Not better, not worse, just different. If you happen to have strong or soft thighs or more or less leg muscle, it matters not one lick if you can still do all the things you want to. Like run that half-marathon or perfect your heaviest squat yet. Celebrate, not denigrate - capice?

Okay, now that we've got that straight, let's get into it. Scroll on for eight expert tips to lose leg fat and 14 exercises to build a strong lower body.

1. Forget about spot reduction

We harp on about it a lot but it's important, so we're not going to stop. Sorry, not sorry. You cannot spot reduce fat from any one part of your body.

Instead, fat can be gradually lost from your whole body, eventually leading to fat loss in the area or specific areas you're trying to lose it from.

'Reducing fat from one area of the body is known as spot reduction and spot reduction is similar to trying to empty one end of a swimming pool - very difficult!', describes GP and PT, Dr Folusha Oluwajana.

'Your metabolism burns fat stores in an equal distribution throughout your body, rather than burning more fat from one area than another. So although targeted fat loss is not possible, an overall reduction in body fat stores is possible.'

2. Get clued up on the difference between weight loss and fat loss

First of all, losing weight and losing fat are not the same thing. Even if you lose weight well - safely, sustainably with an eye on the long term - the phrase 'weight loss' still refers to all weight lost from your body. That can include fat but also refers to muscle and water weight. However, when we talk about losing body fat, we're referring specifically to fat loss.

'Weight loss refers to a reduction in your overall body weight, this can come from fat but also from muscle and water. Fat loss refers to just a reduction in body fat,' explains Dr Oluwajana.

On the face of it, they might seem the same. If weight loss is your goal and the number on the scale is going down, you're quids in, right?

Well, not quite. It's possible to weigh less but still have potentially unhealthy levels of body fat - this is referred to colloquially as being 'skinny fat'.

'It is much healthier in terms of health risk to have lower percentages of body fat, than muscle, as this reduces your risk of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and other inflammation-related conditions such as dementia,' advises registered dietician and founder of Nourish Drinks, Jane Clarke.

So, even if your goal is to lose leg fat, knowing how to lose body fat will serve you better than trying to drop weight indiscriminately. Muscle tissue requires more energy than fatty tissue meaning you burn more calories at rest than you would with less of it. In layman's speak, this means your metabolism gets faster.

Get clued up on losing body fat with our helpful library of resources:

3. Try to stay within a conservative calorie deficit

Eating in a calorie deficit means eating fewer calories than you expend and is how your body loses fat. You can create a deficit through exercise but most experts would recommend creating a healthy and sustainable calorie deficit through your diet.

'The key factor in fat loss is to create a calorie deficit. Although this sounds simple, often we don't realise how many calories we consume each day,' explains Emily Outterside, trainer at F45 Peckham Rye.

'Tracking your intake can be helpful, as well as making sure your protein intake is high enough to keep you fuller for longer, which helps prevent craving high energy, sugary foods.'

To work out how many calories you need to stay within a conservative calorie deficit, use our handy calculator below:

text: calorie deficit calculator calorie deficit calculator

How long should you be in a calorie deficit?

'This is dependent on how much fat you want to lose and what the expectations and demands of your lifestyle and your exercise routine require of you,' says Clarke.

'However, it's recommended that each period of deficit lasts no more than 9-12 weeks. If you still have more weight to lose after the 12 weeks, you should move into a maintenance period and then try to lose the remaining weight at a later date.'

Who shouldn't eat in a calorie deficit

As with anything, eating in a calorie deficit is not a one-size-fits-all approach - there are a number of people who should avoid it. For example, if you're already at a healthy weight for your height but are still trying to lose body fat or weight, it might be a good idea to speak with your GP or medical professional about how to create a healthier relationship with your body image.

Or, if you identify with any of the medical conditions below, eating in a calorie deficit should be avoided or discussed at length with your doctor.

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are taking prescription medication
  • You have an adrenal-related medical condition, like Addison's disease
  • You are a teenager or a child
  • You have an active or history of eating disorders

4. Prioritise protein

If fat loss is the goal but you want to maintain the muscle you do have as best as possible, making sure you're eating enough protein is of crucial importance. Protein helps to build muscle mass, maintain what you have and repair the tiny tears made in muscle tissue during exercise.

'Research has repeatedly shown that high protein diets are associated with successful fat loss,' describes Dr Oluwajana.

As one of the three main macronutrients humans need (along with carbohydrates and healthy fat), protein can be found in a number of food sources:

  • Poultry (chicken and turkey)
  • Tofu
  • Yoghurt
  • Lentils
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Chickpeas
  • Fish
  • Protein powder
  • Nuts

One way of making sure you're eating enough protein to hit your goals is by working out your 'macros'. This means you calculate the ratios of carbs, protein and fat you eat to best hit your goals. We've popped a handy calculator below to help you find your sweet spot:

a screenshot of a cell phone: how to calculate macros how to calculate macros

If you're vegan, we've got you covered too.

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5. Focus on strength and resistance training

'To build muscle you need to do some form of strength training, preferably with a weight you find challenging, and then increase either the number of reps as you progress weekly, or increase the weight. Resistance training is key, even a simple bodyweight squat, press up and plank can help you build muscle if you are consistent,' says Outterside.

So, whether you're starting a strength training for beginners programme or have been smashing out gym workouts for years, it's essential to keep it up if you want to retain muscle mass whilst in a conservative calorie deficit.

Get around some of our favourite resistance workouts below:

6. Make 'progressive overload' your BFF

One thing to say before you go HAM on the workout front - doing the same session over and over does not a perfect routine make. Instead, your sessions should become gradually more challenging as you build strength and ability. This is known as 'progressive overload' in the biz.

Now, we're not here to blind you with jargon. The opposite, in fact. We want you to be as well equipped to smash your goals without getting caught up in the fitness mumbo jumbo.

So, to lay it out simply, progressive overload means asking more of your body as it becomes more capable. E.g. when you can perform 10 bodyweight squats with perfect form, think about experimenting with tempo (the speed at which you perform the movement), weight (add a light dumbbell or kettlebell) or add on more reps. This will help keep your body adapting as you grow stronger.

'You can stimulate muscle growth by strength and resistance training. Muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) requires tension on the muscle, muscle fibre damage and metabolic stress, which can all be achieved by working your muscles against resistance,' explains Dr Oluwajana.

'As you progress and your muscles adapt to the resistance, it is important to increase the resistance to continue providing that stimulus. This is known as progressive overload and can be done by increasing the weights you use but also other techniques, such as manipulation of the speed and the range of motion of movements, to provide that additional challenge.'

7. Find your 'why'

No, not a new-age adage but a real piece of advice if long-term fat loss is your goal. Identifying the motivation behind why you want to change your body composition outside of an aesthetic or superficial goal could be the difference between staying the course or falling off track slightly.

'People need to spend more time on finding their "why",' advises PT Luke Goulden. 'Identifying this is key because wanting to lose body fat is just another uninspiring goal most people think they need or should do.'

'The goal needs to be important to you and only you, because when motivation changes or things get tough, realigning yourself back to your why will help to keep you on track.'

A couple of motivators we love: having more energy to play with your kids or pets, climbing up a flight stairs without strain or feeling fit enough to lace up your hiking boots and book that walking holiday. Whatever it is, make it work for you.

8. Ramp up your NEAT exercise

Last but very much not least, you gotta keep your NEAT up to lose body fat (and eventually lose leg fat). Not familiar with NEAT? It stands for 'Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis' and refers to everything you do that burns calories that isn't exercise, sleep or eating food (the thermic effect of eating can burn a small number of calories in of itself).

'Increasing your NEAT is a great way of adding to your calorie deficit without needing to do more exercise,' advises Dr Oluwajana. 'People with low body fat levels are often generally very active during the day.'

So, everything from household chores to fidgeting, walking up a flight of stairs, commuting or making a cuppa will all count towards your NEAT.

Consistent movement throughout your day is more vital to fat loss,' echoes PT Outterside. 'All these little things we do burn more calories than we expect, so it's key to keep a consistent level of movement throughout your day. Find a podcast or audiobook you like and it'll make a daily walk an easy habit to stick to.'

May we suggest a little podcast called... Going for Goal? Yes, it's our podcast but it's also really, really good and packed with expert advice on everything from building your perfect workout routine to exercising in line with your menstrual cycle and how to reduce stress and avoid burnout. As we said, it's good.

14 exercises to build lower body muscle and lose leg fat

'Lower body exercise can be organised into movement pattern groups: knee flexion, hip hinge, hip extension or bridge and adduction,' explains PT, Dr Oluwajana. 'A good lower body routine should use a combination of exercises from all these groups to effectively target and build lower body muscles.'

We've rounded up 14 of the best for building lower body muscle and losing leg fat below.

1. Squats (knee flexion)

a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight out in front of you or by your sides.

b) Keeping your chest up, lower your body by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then slowly push yourself back up.

2. Forward lunge

a) Keeping your back straight, engage your core muscles and place your hands on your hips to stay balanced.

b) Take a big step forward with your right foot and bend your knee until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Allow your back heel to lift, but don't let the knee touch the floor.

c) Step back to the starting position, then repeat on the opposite leg.

3. Walking lunge (knee flexion)

a) Like a normal lunge, take a big step forwards with your right foot in line with your right hip, keeping your knee tracking directly over your right foot.

b) Engage your right quads and hamstring by pushing your foot into the floor, then stand up to step forward on to your left foot.

4. Dumbbell deadlift (hip hinge)

a close up of a person: dumbbell-deadlift-ps-1 alice © rebecca jacobsdumbbell-deadlift-ps-1 alice

a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand (your palms should be facing your thighs) and a micro-bend in each knee.

b) Bend forwards, hinging at the waist, keeping your back flat until your torso is parallel with the floor. (There can be a more pronounced bend in the knee than with stiff-legged deadlifts or Romanian deadlifts.)

c) From here, exhale and push back to standing, using your glutes and thighs to power you forwards.

5. Barbell deadlift (hip hinge)

Weightlifting, Barbell, Deadlift, Weightlifter, Exercise equipment, Physical fitness, Powerlifting, Weight training, Arm, Free weight bar, Weightlifting, Barbell, Deadlift, Weightlifter, Exercise equipment, Physical fitness, Powerlifting, Weight training, Arm, Free weight bar,

a) Stand holding the bar with a very wide stance, knees bent and your shoulder blades pulled in towards each other.

b) Lift the bar using your legs while keeping the upright torso position. Carefully lower. Turn your toes out if you need to - it helps movement and doesn't count as cheating.

6. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (hip hinge)

a close up of a man: You Asked: How to Lose Leg Fat You Asked: How to Lose Leg Fat

a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart, shins touching the bar. Bend down, keeping your spine neutral, until your hands meet the bar.

b) Squeeze your lat muscles and feel the weight in your heels. Keep the tension and, in one movement, pull the bar up and extend your legs. Hold for a second before lowering to your shins, your knees only slightly bent.

7. Sumo deadlift (hip hinge)

sumo-deadlift-ps-1 alice © rebecca jacobssumo-deadlift-ps-1 alice

a) With feet wider than hip-width apart, turn your toes outwards.

b) Get your shins touching the bar before you bend down, engage your lats and pull up to standing in one swift movement. Lower back down, keeping your spine neutral.

8. Kneeling hinge (hip hinge)

a) Come into a tall kneeling position on the ground e.g. don't rest your bum on your heels. Stack your hips over your knees for stability.

b) Engaging your core, hinge at the hips until your upper body forms a 90º angle and you feel your glutes engage.

c) Using your glutes, push back to a tall kneeling position and repeat.

9. Glute bridges (hip extension)

a) Lie on your back, knees bent. Pushing down with your heels, lift your hips until you have a straight line from your knees to shoulders.

b) Without over-arching your lower back, squeeze your bum as hard as you can at the top, then roll down.

10. Hip thrust (hip extension)

Weightlifter, Strength training, Exercise equipment, Barbell, Weight training, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Free weight bar, Physical fitness, Bodypump, Weightlifter, Strength training, Exercise equipment, Barbell, Weight training, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Free weight bar, Physical fitness, Bodypump,

a) Sit on the floor with your shoulder blades against a bench or step. If adding a dumbbell or a barbell, balance it on your hips.

b) Keeping your chin tucked in, push up through your hips to lift your bum off the floor.

c) Clench your bum at the top - your shoulders, hips and knees should be in a straight line. Lower back down in a slow, controlled movement

11. Donkey kicks (adduction)

a) Place your hands, directly under your shoulders, and knees on the floor so that you look like a table. Raise your right leg up towards the ceiling - still bent at 90-degrees - so that your thigh is almost parallel to the floor.

b) Bring your knee back into starting position without touching the floor and bring it immediately back up to the lifted position.

12. Lateral leg raise (abduction)

a) Lying on your side, use your top arm to support your upper body by placing it in front of your chest.

b) Keep your upper body and core as still and engaged as possible and raise your top leg towards the ceiling.

c) Lower back down - with control - and repeat.

13. Fire hydrants (adduction)

a) Begin on all fours.

b) Lift your right leg to your side at a 90-degree angle. Pause and then lower it to the start position. Repeat.

14. Adductors (adduction)

a) Lying on your side, use your top arm to support your upper body by placing it in front of your chest.

b) Cross your top leg over the top of your bottom leg, bringing the sole of your top foot to rest in front of the bottom leg.

c) With control, raise your bottom leg until it is a few inches off the ground. Lower down with control and repeat.

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