
Your December 2020 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success

Shape logo Shape 1/12/2020 13:00:30 Maressa Brown
background pattern: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

It's hard to believe that a year like 2020 - which felt like it simultaneously flew by and dragged like no other - is finally coming to a close. And now, it's December, and a holiday season unlike anything we've ever experienced. While it's *cue groan* an unprecedented time, there are some familiar themes: like every year, December is filled with an urge to reflect, celebrate, connect, and turn attention to visions of how to fill up the blank canvas that is a whole new year.

It's unsurprising that the last month of the year features two go-getter signs. From November 21 to December 21, the confident sun makes its annual trip through gregarious, jovial, adventure-loving Sagittarius, urging people to bond in a big-hearted way while standing up and speaking out about close-held beliefs. And from December 21 to January 21, it makes its way through driven, pragmatic Capricorn, which strengthens a sense of responsibility and tradition while fueling step-by-step efforts to achieve your personal best.

background pattern: Here's what the planets have to say about every facet of your life in the month ahead. © Caitlin-Marie Miner OngHere's what the planets have to say about every facet of your life in the month ahead.

Sagittarius and Capricorn seasons - the first primed for getting out of your comfort zone, the latter for taking grounded steps to achieve your loftiest goals - join together to make December a month of embracing the moment and plotting ahead. This is a season for reveling in and appreciating all that you have while training your eye on what you want to achieve moving forward, mapping it out, and committing to putting in the work to make it real.

But the sun's trip through free-spirited Sag and industrious Capricorn is far from the major headline this month; 2020's second eclipse season is now in full swing. In turn, you'll want to think back on any musings or key life changes that occurred around June 5, when the lunar eclipse fell in Sag. The December 14 solar eclipse is happening in the same zone - and will offer you a path to take action on any emotional experience you had that's been brewing for the last six months.

The next day, on December 15, relationship-oriented Venus enters Sag, where it'll remain until January 8. Given that the fire sign is driven to explore and philosophize, you could find you're more open to - or even craving - eye-opening experiences, especially in Venusian areas of life, such as love, romance, art, beauty, and money.

On December 17, taskmaster Saturn moves into progressive, tech-savvy, humanitarian Aquarius, and fortunate Jupiter follows on December 19. These slower-moving planets will both dance through the fixed air sign for most of 2021, creating opportunities for society to learn and grow through Aquarian themes, like science and community-building.

On December 20, communicator Mercury enters Capricorn, where it'll remain until January 8, making our interactions more down-to-earth and steady, if not a bit aloof and business-oriented. That cool, standoffish vibe is something you'll want to consider around December 29 when the full "Wolf Moon" occurs in Cancer, likely bringing a lot of deep feelings to the surface and urging reflection on how you care for others - and yourself.

Want to know more about how December's astrological highlights will affect your health and wellness, relationships, and career? Read on for your sign's December 2020 horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

a close up of a logo: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Health: From December 1 to 20, communicator Mercury in your ninth house of higher learning and adventure will have you feeling insatiably curious and fired up to soak up knowledge however possible. Consider researching opportunities for continuing education or planning future long-distance travel. Anticipating a future trip or the beginning of a class can feel enlivening.

Relationships: Around December 29, when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life, you might feel burned out at work and crave time with loved ones or a special someone. Giving yourself permission to take a step back from the demands of the daily grind and connect with your nearest and dearest can make for an emotionally fulfilling moment.

Career: While the confident sun is in your tenth house of career from December 21 to January 21, you might be called on to step into the spotlight on the job - and you're more than ready to take the reins on a major project or take ownership of more responsibilities. Sharing your big picture goals and dreams could very well lead to well-deserved recognition from higher-ups.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Health: Though it's actually a bit out of character for you, you might find yourself itching to shake up your wellness routine from December 21 to January 21 while the confident sun is in your ninth house of higher learning and adventure. You might enjoy experimenting with a new workout app or honing your skills in a class you've always loved (think: boxing or dance cardio). The more you're able to broaden your horizons, the more of a confidence and energy boost you'll enjoy.

Relationships: Around December 14, when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy, you'll get the green light to envision how you want to build a new or existing relationship. Taking steps to open up more about some of your hidden wounds and desires can deepen your mental, emotional, and physical connection, helping you create something that feels transformative.

Career: Don't shy away from setting ambitious professional goals, because the sky will be the limit while lucky Jupiter makes its first trip of the year through your tenth house of career from December 19 to May 13, 2021. You're likely feeling pretty antsy about advancing your career, and now, you'll be offered education or travel opportunities related to big picture projects. You could also feel like higher-ups are better understanding and applauding supporting your long-term aspirations.

Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Health: Around December 21 when taskmaster Saturn pairs up with lucky Jupiter iny your ninth house of higher learning, you could feel a sense of accomplishment around how you've worked to expand your horizons and hone your fitness skill set. Whether you ran your first 5K this year or learned to mountain bike, you'll realize you deserve to give yourself props for your efforts and progress before contemplating how you can take your game plan to the next level.

Relationships: You could feel called to prioritize more time with someone you've been seeing or a potential match while romantic Venus is in your seventh house of partnership from December 15 to January 8. Relating one-on-one makes you feel heard and seen, bolstering your confidence and helping you better understand yourself and your S.O. or future partner. Harmonious Venus' influence also makes it easier to work through any relationship bumps that may pop up.

Career: Around December 29, when the full moon is in your second house of income, you might be feeling like you need more out of your current work situation in order to feel comfortable, secure, and fulfilled. This time is ripe for tuning into your intuition, then getting clear on the concrete steps that would make a real difference. You could find that in some cases, saying "no" to certain responsibilities or projects is just as powerful and sets you up for even more success than saying "yes."

a close up of a logo: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Health: Around December 14, when the solar eclipse and new moon lights up your sixth house of wellness, you might be feeling antsy to dive into a new fitness challenge or approach to nutritious eating. Though this is absolutely a moment in which positive, passionate changes can more readily happen, make sure to give yourself enough time to check in with your gut and gather all relevant info before making any sweeping commitments. That way, you'll feel even more confident moving into this next chapter.

Relationships: Thanks to the holidays, cuffing season, and your natural motivation to seek out cozy, romantic moments - not to mention the confident sun in your seventh house of partnership from December 21 to January 21 - you'll find yourself craving extra one-on-one time with your S.O. or a new match. While you're eager to make this an especially magical time, it's also an opportunity to ensure you're adequately balancing your needs with your potential or existing partner's. (Related: What Moon Sign Compatibility Can Tell You About a Relationship)

Career: Around December 29, when the full moon is in your sign, you might be frustrated if your aspirations and professional goals have been put on the backburner in order for you to tend to others' needs. This could be a key moment to map out your goals and allocate designated time to your passions. Once you can see that you've successfully devoted an hour here, an hour there, making progress in concrete ways, you'll feel more centered and motivated.

a close up of a computer: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Health: You might be drawn to research new solutions for an ongoing wellness concern while communicator Mercury is in your sixth house of wellness from December 20 to January 8. Whether you're conferring with trusted experts or health care providers, reading books friends have recommended, or experimenting with a research-proven plan, you'll feel as though information-gathering now can ultimately help you boost your well-being.

Relationships: Get ready to feel lucky in love, Leo. If you're single, fortunate Jupiter's trip through your seventh house of partnership from December 19 to May 13, 2021 could prove especially fortunate for meeting someone special with whom you feel truly happy and share an easygoing, natural connection and shared values. If you're attached, this transit could support falling even deeper in love with - and expanding your life and joint goals - with your S.O. There's also a lot to potentially learn about yourself through your most meaningful one-on-one bonds now.

Career: If you've been wanting to be more playful and artistic in your work, you'll get a green light to really tune into that instinct around December 14 when the solar eclipse is in your fifth house of self-expression and creativity. Set aside time to let your most imaginative thoughts pour out onto an open page or canvas. (Hello, new quarantine hobby!) You could find that you're planting the seeds of a project that's equal parts emotionally satisfying and financially rewarding.

a close up of graphics: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Health: You're frequently on a mission to find and perfect the self-care and fitness plan that will serve you best, Virgo, and the stars are aligned for you to do just that while lucky Jupiter makes its first trip of the year through your sixth house of wellness from December 19 to May 13, 2021. Whether you sign up for a new meditation course, connect with long-distance friends through a YouTube workout channel you all love, or learn new healthy cooking techniques, your everyday efforts to improve your well-being will pay off.

Relationships: You'll be feeling more playful, joyful, and flirtatious while the confident sun is in your fifth house of romance from December 21 to January 21. It's easy now to get more creative with how you're approaching dates or even spontaneous fun (think: out-of-the-blue sexting) with a current or potential partner. Basically, allowing your often-overthinking mind to take a backseat to your heart as much as possible can make for sweet memories.

Career: Although you're content to put your nose down and tackle all your to-dos solo, you might be called on to work closely with colleagues on a major project around December 29 when the full moon falls in your eleventh house of networking. Collaboration focused on building something everyone can be proud of is especially productive now. Plus, seeing just how valued you are in a team context is sure to shore up your confidence.

a close up of a logo: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Health: You could worry you're at risk of information overload when it comes to a wellness concern around December 14, when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your third house of communication. Take a step back to check in with your intuition and allow yourself time to process what you've learned before moving forward. It could help you feel calmer and more prepared for whatever's on the horizon.

Relationships: You'll enjoy lots of sweet fortune, making even your wildest relationship dreams a reality, Libra, thanks to lucky Jupiter moving through your fifth house of romance from December 19 to May 13, 2021. If you're single, you could meet someone who feels destined to be a long-term partner. If you're attached, you'll feel a renewed sense of magic and fate in your bond. And you absolutely deserve it!

Career: Around December 29, when the full moon is in your tenth house of career, higher-ups might ask you to step up and take more ownership over an ongoing project, or you could be asked by an existing client to take on higher-level responsibilities. Stepping into the professional spotlight could feel intimidating, but it should also prove exhilarating and rewarding.

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Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Health: Connecting with friends and colleagues on shared passions comes even more naturally while messenger Mercury is in your third house of communication from December 20 to January 8. Trading notes on your favorite streaming workouts, joining a social media group as a source of support, or signing up to participate in a Whole30 challenge can be an inspiring, wellness-bolstering way to tie up 2020 and kick off 2021.

Relationships: While lucky Jupiter moves through your fourth house of home life from December 19 to May 13, 2021, you'll be even more capable of creating your ultimate tranquil "nest." If you're single, strengthening your sense of security can help you gravitate to potential partners who only add to that feeling. And if you're attached, building a domestic sanctuary with your sweetheart can only serve to bring you closer.

Career: You could find yourself reflecting on whether your current professional path is in line with your values and major aspirations around December 14, when the solar eclipse and new moon lights up your second house of income. If it feels like overhauling your approach would benefit not only your bottom line but also your overall well-being, feel free to let your imagination run wild. Change is yours for the taking.

a close up of a logo: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Health: While fortunate Jupiter moves through your third house of communication from December 19 to May 13, 2021, you might find that eye-opening experiences related to your wellness routine have you feeling even more vital. Think: taking a yoga teacher training or planning a future trip to a retreat. Connecting with people outside of your usual social circle and expanding your knowledge about spirituality and health can prove rejuvenating.

Relationships: Pleasure-seeking is bound to be your priority, Sag, thanks to romantic Venus moving through your sign from December 15 to January 8. You tend not to beat around the bush when it comes to talking about your desires and fantasies, but you'll be inspired to be even more direct with your S.O. or a new match. And vacation time can present a sweet opportunity to be in the moment and connect with someone special.

Career: You might find it's easier than usual to connect with past and present colleagues and learn about a variety of professional opportunities while communicator Mercury is in your second house of income from December 20 to January 8. You could also end up making more presentations, taking meetings, or researching business strategies that set the stage for future success.

a close up of a logo: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Health: You can look forward to a burst of self-assuredness and focus while the confident sun is in your sign from December 21 to January 21. This can be an opportune time to set ambitious fitness goals (like aiming for a new strength PR or hiking a particularly grueling trail). You'll feel a renewed sense of pride in your sense of self and growing accomplishments.

Relationships: Around December 29, when the full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, you may be reflecting on how well your emotional needs are being met, as well as how you've been contributing to your closest one-on-one relationships. If there's an imbalance of any kind, speaking your truth can help you identify a healing compromise.

Career: Financial luck is on the horizon for you, Cap. You could find you get to pick and choose from a bevy of projects that could boost cash flow, thanks to fortunate Jupiter moving through your second house of income from December 19 to May 13, 2021. You might also find you can enjoy personal and financial growth from sharpening your skill set and exploring how your identity and values connect to your work.

a close up of a logo: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Health: Around December 29, when the full moon is in your sixth house of wellness, you could be frustrated if you feel like you've had to put your health and well-being on hold to accommodate to-dos in other areas of your life. Dedicate time to setting up doctor appointments, scheduling workouts, or mapping out any other essential day-to-day routines, and you'll be able to take a deep breath knowing you're right on track.

Relationships: While romantic Venus moves through your eleventh house of networking from December 15 to January 8, you'll find it's easier than usual to connect with friends and colleagues, as well as tune into long-term romantic wishes. Consider collaborating with your sweetheart or a potential partner on a humanitarian project (such as volunteering at a food bank), which can be emotionally gratifying for you both.

Career: You can easily get clear on and promote your personal brand while lucky Jupiter moves through your sign from December 19 to May 13, 2021. Your confidence and sense of hopefulness is heightened, making it possible to envision your goal, create a pragmatic action plan, and then see it through to fruition. That said, you have the green light to feel optimistic about what the new year holds.

a close up of graphics: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong © Provided by ShapeCaitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Health: Your friends can help you stay enthusiastic about your current fitness plan while communicator Mercury is in your eleventh house of networking from December 20 to January 8. Whether you're sharing tips on the best meditation instructor on an app you're both using or keeping one another company on the phone while taking your midday walk, infusing your wellness efforts with more social vibe has you feeling supported and even more psyched to keep it up!

Relationships: Chances are, thanks to putting your nose to the grindstone at work, you've been feeling a pretty intense sense of FOMO on lighthearted, magical moments with your sweetheart or a potential S.O. This could reach a fever pitch around December 29, when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. Allow yourself to take a step back from everyday demands to make room for spontaneity and express your most deeply-felt emotions in a creative way. It'll benefit your bonds and your heart.

Career: You could feel like your perspective on what it'll take to make your biggest professional goals a reality is shifting around December 14 when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your tenth house of career. If you've been meaning to brush up your resume or start exploring a new path to success, this is a powerful time to make your move.

mardi 1 décembre 2020 15:00:30 Categories: Shape

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