ABC News

Australian women share their stories of giving birth overseas during coronavirus pandemic

ABC News logo ABC News 30/09/2020 22:28:54 By Freya Michie
a young girl in a blue shirt: Megan Saunders is stranded in France with her baby girl, Juno. (Supplied) © Provided by ABC NewsMegan Saunders is stranded in France with her baby girl, Juno. (Supplied)

Avignon, France: Megan Saunders

When Megan Saunders took a year off to work as a nanny in Europe, she could not have imagined she would end up stranded in southern France with a premature baby during a global pandemic.

The 20-year-old from Geelong in Victoria met her French partner, Clay, in England and was soon pregnant.

In early March, as coronavirus spread in Europe and beyond, she went to stay with Clay's family in a tiny town near Avignon while the couple waited in vain for a visa to be issued so they could both travel to Australia.

Ms Saunders wanted to give birth to her first child in Geelong, with her family close by.

She was also frantic to get home to see her younger brother who is battling a brain tumour.

"There are no further treatments available for him, so it was paramount that we get home as soon as possible," Ms Saunders said.

But her plans were dashed in early April when she went into premature labour at 30 weeks.

Instead of travelling home to Australia, she found herself alone in a foreign hospital with a baby on its way.

"I couldn't communicate with the nurse so we were struggling with Google translate," she said.

"Due to COVID, no-one was allowed to accompany me during birth but they made an exception for me due to the language barrier, lack of family and it was my first baby.

"I am so thankful they let Clay in the room because I couldn't have done it by myself," she said.

A series of medical interventions included an epidural she said went wrong and caused her to "scream out in pain".

After 39 sometimes frightening hours in labour, she gave birth to her baby girl, Juno.

"I got to hold her briefly before she got rushed off to neonatal with Clay. I was left alone in the room . with no phone and no-one to talk to about what had happened.

"It was all very surreal. It was heartbreaking actually."

She was eventually taken in a wheelchair to see her baby.

"She had breathing tubes and monitors everywhere."

Then, for 45 days, the young couple had to take a bus one hour each way to visit Juno in hospital.

"It was an exhausting time."

Stranded in France

As the pandemic spread, Australia's borders closed to foreigners on March 20.

By the time baby Juno was released from hospital, it was clear there was no hope for the foreseeable future of getting visas for the baby and Clay to travel to Australia.

"We have now come to Paris to try our luck at the Australian Embassy, but we have been told there is no chance," she said.

Ms Saunders said she yearned for the stability and familiarity of Australia.

"Being so young, I've found this year very difficult. We now are moving from friend to friend as Clay is struggling to take a job.

"I can't work because I have an irregular visa situation because of my Australian status."

At times the loneliness she felt was overwhelming.

"During pregnancy and birth all you want is your mum. I miss my mum every day and it makes me really sad that she can't see Juno growing up."

Ms Saunders is also longing to see her 14-year-old brother, David.

"This year his brain tumour has moved into his spinal cord," she said.

"He is deteriorating quickly and I'm struggling with the possibility of him never being able to meet his niece," she said.

She called on the Australian Government "to be more human" and help people who are stranded overseas to get home - especially mothers and babies.

"When I hear of people back home slamming those still abroad, it hurts," she said.

"We are trying to come home but it's either come alone without my baby and partner and miss the next six months of her life, or stay in France and miss family and possibly my brother's last moments," she said

"It's a rock and a hard place situation and that's why I'm sharing my story to remind my fellow Australians of our 'no man left behind' attitude that we seem to have lost during this pandemic."

Parents plead for Government help

From their home just outside Geelong, Ms Saunders's parents Ian and Jodie say they feel a huge sense of helplessness about their daughter's predicament.

"It makes me so sad that I can't hug my daughter when her feelings of homesickness and despair hit her," Ian Saunders said.

"When she expresses sadness and despair at the thought of never seeing David face to face again, never being able to hug him, it hurts so much.".

The family is also grief-struck that their daughter is unlikely to see her grandfather again because he is unwell and in palliative care.

They are pleading with the Federal Government to help her get home, together with her baby and partner.

"We are not asking the Government to pay for anything, we just need their permission," Mr Saunders said.

"People need to know the human side of this epidemic goes beyond deaths."

Santiago, Chile: Sally Hunt

Sally Hunt was heavily pregnant when COVID-19 hit Chile in March.

Ms Hunt and her Chilean husband had planned to have their first baby in Santiago.

But as the pandemic swept through Chile, Ms Hunt, who grew up in Ballina on the NSW north coast, grew apprehensive.

"Things were changing very quickly, the situation was rapidly deteriorating as the virus spread and neighbouring countries like Peru had already gone into a strict lockdown, practically without warning."

It was too late to leave.

"When the gravity of the coronavirus situation became clear, and the Australian Government put out calls to Australians abroad to come home immediately, it was already too late for me.

"I was beyond 32 weeks pregnant, so would not have been allowed to fly," the former native title lawyer said.

She gave birth to her daughter, Romy, on the first day of Santiago's lockdown, which is one of the world's toughest.

Ms Hunt is thankful her baby arrived at the start of the coronavirus crisis because it meant her husband Carlos was allowed to remain with her in hospital for the birth.

"From memory the official language on the day was Spanglish."

'Living in a post-apocalyptic novel'

The young family then had to remain indoors at home for nearly five months during Chile's stringent lockdown.

Chile has one of the highest per capita rates of coronavirus in the world.

"So going outside definitely posed a real risk to our health," Ms Hunt said.

The family lives in a small one bedroom apartment in downtown Santiago.

"It is about six steps from one end of our apartment to the other," Ms Hunt said.

"Coming from regional Australia where space is abundant, I really never imagined that I could spend five months in just two rooms without seeing grass."

Baby Romy was almost five months old when she first got to see grass, the sky, dogs and other people.

"I realised during lockdown that I had started to refer to 'outside' as 'The Outside', and each time I caught myself doing it, I felt like we were living in a post-apocalyptic novel."

"The 17th of August 2020 was a great day. I got to put my daughter in the pram, take her to the park and put her feet on the earth for the first time," Ms Hunt said.

"Living through the pandemic and lockdown in Santiago has been a wild ride."

Ms Hunt said she would love to move back home but Australia's partner visa process was long, complex and expensive, especially for people earning pesos.

In the meantime, she is making the most of video calls to her family in Australia.

"Our family prospects in terms of education, health, careers and lifestyle would be much improved if we were able to return home, so we are working towards that."

Paris, France: Jessica Trochei

Jessica Trochei from Sydney moved to Paris for her marketing job with a luxury brand in 2018.

Two years later she found herself separated from her French partner in a Parisian hospital that resembled a "ghost town", about to give birth to her first baby.

Baby Eve arrived during the week that stay-at-home restrictions were introduced in Paris in late March.

"It was a bit Handmaid's Tale vibes," she said, describing the hospital as "a space devoid of people, only fully protected medical staff and pregnant women entering and leaving with newborns".

"My family was meant to be here for the birth but their flights and accommodation were cancelled," she said.

The COVID-19 restrictions meant she had to give birth to her baby without her partner by her side.

"Pierre was not meant to be allowed into the hospital but we played dumb and he was able to see the baby after the birth," she said.

"I then saw him for a few minutes on the way to my room. No visitors were [allowed] at the hospital . all patients were isolated in their rooms for their entire stay," she said.

"The days alone at the hospital were the hardest."

The couple's longer-term plan had been to move back to Australia together.

But with coronavirus cases in France surging once again, Ms Trochei wants to get home as soon as possible.

"I'm desperate to go back to Australia to see my family and have more help with the baby."

"I've been looking at flights and I'm unable to book as I'm still waiting for the baby's citizenship to process."

She said contact with immigration authorities had been "unpleasant".

"[There's] little empathy for the current situation. It was indicated to be a four-month wait online and I see today it is now seven months."

"I often get upset thinking about being so far away from my family," she said.

"I'm homesick for the familiarity of Australia - my family, my friends and nature."

Puerto Natales, Chile: Kiera Shiels

Kiera Shiels from Canberra and her partner Matthew Oberg from Mackay are trying to get home from Patagonia to have their first child in Australia.

Their baby is due in December but they are grappling with the realisation they won't be able to get home in time, and will have no choice but to have their baby in southern Chile.

The former engineers set up a gin and whisky distillery in the town of Puerto Natales in 2017, but their business was forced to close in March as part of Chile's tough lockdown measures.

Ms Shiels said it was not clear when the bar would be able to reopen.

"We love Chile, but all of our support network is still in Australia," Ms Shiels said.

"We have flights booked for November which haven't been officially cancelled yet, but we have no hopes of them going ahead given the restrictions.

Ms Shiels said the prospect of giving birth in Chile was alarming.

"I'm petrified. Mostly because due to COVID they no longer let partners in for births."

"That means I'll be labouring by myself in our little regional hospital. The rate of medical interventions here is also really high, and it will be so much harder to fight for my rights to have a natural birth if I am by myself," she said.

Puerto Natales has been cordoned off since March, with a strict curfew, business closures and a mandatory mask policy.

Residents, including Ms Shiels and Mr Oberg, can only leave home twice a week, provided they have a police permit.

Despite the stringent measures, Ms Shiels said the town had just been hit with its first wave of COVID-19.

Ms Shiels said the couple's bar was full of tourists the week that Australia changed its advice to its citizens to come home.

"I saw how difficult it was for travellers to get back.

"We have a place to stay here so obviously we didn't think we should be pushing our way onto the few planes that left Santiago," she said.

But she said that back then, no-one could have foreseen that six months later it would still be virtually impossible to get back to Australia.

She said she would welcome an affordable chance to come home, no matter what it entailed.

"Ankle bracelets for quarantine? Sure! A stay on Manus Island? Sign me up! Two weeks in a grotty hotel with ordinary room service? Luxury!"

Expat parents facing 'difficult decisions'

More than 580 Australian passport applications have been lodged overseas so far for babies born since mid March when the pandemic gathered pace.

But it's thought the number of children being born overseas to Australian parents during the pandemic could be higher, because many may not have applied for passports for their infants yet.

Websites such as contain scores of stories of Australians stranded overseas and desperate to get home.

But some, like Megan Saunders's parents, say special consideration should be given to expectant mothers and families with newborns.

Emily Rogers and does one-on-one coaching with expat mothers.

She says the pandemic has added a new layer of complexity to the already tricky issues often encountered when having a baby overseas.

Mrs Rogers, from Keith in South Australia, and her hotelier husband have lived in Hong Kong, India and Taipei over the past 12 years and have had two children along the way.

Now based in Auckland, Mrs Rogers said the pandemic had made life for expat mothers even more challenging and stressful.

"For some they have to do all their appointments on their own, their partners are unable to accompany them," she said.

"This in itself can be scary, let alone in a foreign country where things are often different.

"In addition, due to quarantine restrictions and availability of flights, they are often unsure of when they may see their extended family again, so that experience of taking baby home to meet everyone is gone for many of them."

"With ageing parents, this can be very upsetting and is leading to many difficult decisions. Such as leaving the partner and going back 'home', separating the family unit. It's so difficult," she said.

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jeudi 1 octobre 2020 01:28:54 Categories: ABC News

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