Marvelin Guardians of the Galaxy -kolmikon ohjaaja ja DC Comicsin elokuvien uusi pomo James Gunn luuli viisi vuotta sitten uransa päättyneen. Hänen kirjoittamansa wanhat tviittaukset nousivat päivänvaloon, ja Gunn sai potkut Disneyltä. Myöhemmin hän palasi kuitenkin takaisin tekemään Guardians of the Galaxyn loppuun.
Toisinkin olisi voinut käydä, mutta Gunnin tapauksessa asiat sujuivat lopulta hyvin.
"For a beat there it was like, 'Holy Shit. I've been working my entire life to be loved by all of these people, by the world, so I can feel okay about myself. And everything I've worked for is gone. At that point, I thought that I was going to have to sell my house and move away, that my career was completely over. And for a brief moment, it was.
"Then I started to try to take care of myself, do the best I can. But the thing that was so amazing to me was, in that moment of lowness, when I couldn't help anyone, is when people came to me and showed me the greatest love. People like you, especially my future wife, Jen [Holland], my family, my mom and dad. You know, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, all of the Guardians. Zoe [Saldana] coming over and cooking me dinner. Sylvester Stallone. The amount of people that showed me love in a moment when I was completely weak."
"It was just stunning to me, and I felt like for the first time in my life I felt loved. And so that thing I had been searching for my entire life, to feel loved from something outside of me, to make myself feel okay, I could not experience it until I let go of my desperation to receive it. That was when I felt truly okay."